Monday, July 17, 2006

Fruit Salad

Sometimes I feel like I'm doing exactly what I was always meant to do. It seems strange to me that I have this sense of security and peace. Shouldn't I be wandering aimlessly trying to find my focus? Shouldn't I feel uncertain? Shouldn't I be scared and restless? I'm not. I think that feeling of peace can only come when you recognize that who you are and what you are to become are starting to come together.

How do these musings relate to fruit? Well, they don't. I suppose that I could make up some stupid story about how we're all pieces of beautiful fruit. . .starting with lots of potential and ripening to provide others with sustenance. Life can be "the PITS," but all in all, it's one big fruit salad.
These are actually some photos I took at an event we designed last Friday. Notice the tropical chandeliers. Pretty sweet, huh? Just imagine me standing on a ladder precariously positioned over the salad bar trying to hang those bad boys. Considering my fear of heights, I could really use some additional compensation. Maybe I'll talk to someone about that tomorrow. It's a good thing they let me have a few of those Rainier cherries.

I guess these pictures just reminded me of how much I love my life. Never a dull moment. It really is a dream and I'm living it.


Anonymous said...


michelleyv said...

I'm so glad. I was thinking we could do a tropical theme for your Hawaiian Wedding Getaway. Do you have that scheduled yet?

Veronica said...

Did you get extensions?

Veronica said...

PS Great chandeliers!

michelleyv said...

I know it's hard to believe, but I haven't had any cosmetic work done. That's 100% me!

Anonymous said...

Is that a mannequin behind you?

Anonymous said...

Where was the event? Just curious. Also, you look so cute!!

michelleyv said...

Event was in the Skyroom and I do look pretty cute, huh?

Anonymous said...

Uh huh!!

michelleyv said...

Thanks CoCo. You're the best.

Anonymous said...

No. You are!!!

Anonymous said...

no YOU BOTH ARE !!!!! I win.

Anonymous said...


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