Wednesday, July 5, 2006

Good Clean Fun

I'm still on vacation. . .not in Seattle, but in here at home. I decided that things at work were slow enough that I could take a few days off and complete some projects that have been looming for months. My "to do" list for today is quite lengthy and some of my time was absorbed by a long run this morning. . .8+ miles. I ran from Canyon View Park up to Vivian and back. My mind was telling me I could do it, but my body was thinking something completely different. 5 more miles onto that in just over 5 weeks. I must be nuts!

Anyway, it's the Passat's TLC week. I had her safety and admissions tests done and renewed her registration. . .what a racket that is! It definitely cost over $200.00, but she's worth it. Oil change, brake check, and detailing tomorrow morning. I'm pretty sure she'll look so good that I'll want to be a total geek and get one of those special car covers.

One quick highlight from our trip before I sound-off. Mom took this picture when we were at the Seattle Center. Have I already mentioned that the weather was super-D-duper? Well, every kid in Seattle was at the fountain trying to cool off. It was so much fun to watch them. The fountain is like the one at the Bellagio that spouts to music. The little ones would walk up to the fountain, but the anticipation was more than they could stand. . .so they'd run away even before the water show began. Mothers were prodding their toddlers into the water and in most cases I think the spectators were enjoying the show as much as the children. We sat and watched for at least an hour and I realized that there is something magnetic about the sound of kids laughing. . .it's pure joy, innocent, and completely wonderful.


Anonymous said...

I believe it is emissions not admissions unless the Passat is enrolling in UVSC, which is probable.

Anonymous said...

I loved those crazy kids! They were so cute. I almost cried too.

Anonymous said...

One of the best parts of my trip was the fountain. Don't tell anyone but I think I had a tear or two at the BIG fountain. It is a special place of fun. I'm not sure that I have felt the joy of watching people so much as on that day. The little, the middle, the old and young. I just thought it was a blessing to watch. IT WAS PURE JOY - to see people enjoy each other and such simple thing. I told the mayor - we need one of these in Blackfoot. I think he will feel good just to get water back in Jensen's Grove. He's working on it and he will be loved for his integrity and persurverance. Love that boy!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

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