Sunday, July 16, 2006

I Want Another Weekend. . .

It is stinkin' hot! The only consolation is that that the air-conditioning in my condo is on full blast and I couldn't care less what my power bill might be for the month.

Before anyone starts to think I'm obsessed with myself, please note that I've been taking these stupid self-portraits so I can do some serious Photoshop training. I bought this awesome book a few weeks (okay, probably months) ago and one of my goals for the summer is to make it through all of the lessons and then pretend to be a super smartie Photoshop guru. As a result, you will all have to suck it up and just laugh at my photo ridiculousness. Trust me, someday you'll be grateful for this obsession. . .I might be able to touch some of you up.

So I had another really great weekend. Kimmy and I hit the party scene Friday night. Mostly because my ward crush #2 was in attendance. . . and because we love the hostess.

Second on the docket was the weekend's long run. We've just passed the 4 week mark so things are definitely getting serious. I'm just a bit behind on my training schedule, but I think everything will be okay. At least I thought that Saturday morning when Ryan dropped me off at Vivian Park and I started down the canyon. It's exactly 10.2 miles from the park to my house and I was determined to run the entire way. The weather was perfect, I had my great running shoes on, and the iPod turned up full blast. There were quite a few people on the trail and suddenly coming toward me was a vision. He looked like a little piece of heaven on earth. I don't know if dehydration had anything to do with it, but I yelled "HEY." He kept running and when I yelled again he stopped. OH--it was none other than J.C. Loveless. I was so happy to see a familiar face. Of course, Jeff was running up the canyon and looked like he could have run forever while I was just happy to be in a vertical position. So we chatted for a few minutes and went our separate ways. Yep--that was just enough motivation to get me all the way to the Riverside Country Club before I wanted to die. At mile 9 with no water, I had to walk. Didn't really reach my "run the entire way" goal, but I still finished within my goal time and, if nothing else, I feel more confident about the 13 miles ahead in a few weeks. I must admit that a little bit of soreness has crept into my 29 year old bones, but it actually feels good. . .in a sick sort of awful way.

We had the whole Virtue clan in town for the weekend and that's always a kick in the pants. The boys went to the driving range Saturday and we did some shopping. Then everyone one was off to the air-conditioned movie theatre for Pirates. It was okay. I didn't love it. Don't really care to see it again. Wouldn't take little ones to watch it.

T.G.I. Fridays for dinner because we were in a hurry and well, we live in Provo. The restaurant was deserted and that always makes me nervous. The good news is that as of this moment, I haven't had any sour reactions to the food. . .so I think we're in the clear.

The best news of the weekend is that Chip's mullet is officially gone. I nearly wept in church today when I saw him. I could have almost eaten him up. Mmmm, he is perfectly wonderful.


Calli said...

Remember when I was going to run the 1/2? Then I decided to have a baby instead. I am just postponing the same outcome...pain.

michelleyv said...

At least you get to take a sweet little bundle home. The only thing I'll be leaving the race with is a t-shirt.

Oh, I wish you were running. Maybe next year?

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