Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Me and my V8!

Today for lunch I took my V8 outside for some sunshine. Everything was lovely. The perfect warm summer weather, students and EFY-ites scamping around, and campus is gorgeous right now.

I was reading my book. . .that is, until this man sits next to me. He started humming. That was fine until he pulled out his pocket knife and started scraping at the inside of his ear. DISGUSTING! First of all, I'm pretty sure you aren't suppose to put sharp objects into your ear. It's a little know fact that fungal infections can be easily transferred from one's ears to one's eyes. Secondly, what was he digging for? Lunch? Thirdly, why was he doing it in front of me? I'm a lady and should not be subjected to such abrasive hygienic techniques. It seems like something Frank Barone might do in his pleated pants and sock/sandal combo. Needless to say, I downed the remainder of my V8 and ran for my life. You never know when someone might turn their knife on an innocent bystander. I'd like to keep my hearing, thank you very much.


Anonymous said...

I'd rather eat that guy's ear wax than drink a V8.

Anonymous said...

That's disgusting Jeff!! Hey, I would like to hear from you every now and again.

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute! I almost forgot the order of the Loveless brothers. Well...this is an embarrassing moment. It just sounded like Jeff I guess. See you. Hope your garden is going well. It's too bad you don't like vegatables or V8.

Anonymous said...

That's okay Co Co...after you are around them for a while they all just start to melt into one entitiy anyway. Unfortunately it was my husband who made the nasty ear wax comment and not Jeff.

Anonymous said...

Ughm... that's entity.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed looking at your site, I found it very helpful indeed, keep up the good work.

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