Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Seattle Report 2006

I'm back from Seattle. I know you've all been missing me. . .and I've miss you, too. The good news is that I've returned from another splendid trip to Seattle. I have lots of stories to tell and plenty of pictures to show. The weather was simply fabulous the entire time we were there. I think the sun gods were smiling upon us. I would venture to say that 95% of my Seattle trips have been rain-free. Am I lucky, or what? Anyway, I thought you all might enjoy seeing some of the pictures from our trip. . .there are lots more to come--so stay tuned.

Fountain at the Seattle Center.

Pastry shop across from Pike Place.

Kimmy nabs some baked goods. She was gracious enough to share. Oh, they were heavenly. There was this sweet little lady in the back of the shop rolling dough to her heart's content. I, of course, had to stop across the street for a cookie or two from my favorite culinary hot spot. I justified my indulgence by claiming it to be a Michelle Visits Seattle Tradition. My travel partners seemed to accept that. . .and so did I.
I'm pretty sure this was dad's favorite photo opp. Maybe I'll have it enlarged so he can hang it in his office to frighten off any disgruntled city employees. The Old Curiosity Shop never disappoints. Is that a loin cloth or a plaque. . .can't tell.
Mr. Ivar and I had a little rendevous on Friday. I think he has a crush on me. Unfortunately, our relationship was doomed from the beginning. I just kept thinking that he has made his fortune off of fish 'n CHIPS. Yep. . .always thinking of my crush. Chip is everywhere! Chocolate CHIPs, computer CHIPs, potato CHIP, etc.
In honor of this Independence Day, let me introduce you to my new friend Uncle Sam. If he seems a little bit stiff, it's only because he sat on a wood CHIP last year and hasn't been the same since. Happy 4th to all from your Seattle-based Sam.
Oh, I love Seattle. I love the weather, the people, the food, the shopping, the parks. . .oh, and I love that people take naps wherever they want. I was jumping and hollering at this guy--hoping to awake him from his slumber to offer him a sugar-free Werther's Original, but he wouldn't budge. He was either thinking that I was an idiot or he isn't just asleep.

I always love the market. . .mostly for its photography potential. The flowers are so amazing that it actually makes me want to weep. The average florist just can't compete with the selection or the prices. It's like nothing you've ever experienced before. Lots of people, the smell of fresh fish, and tables and tables of bouquets. . .it's a Michelle Heaven. Add a cookie, my favorite city, and 3 of my favorite people and there's a pretty good chance that I might not return from my next Seattle adventure.

Snoqualmie Falls.


Mrs. James Quigley said...

jealous-I am so glad that you had a wonderful time at my home...one of these days we'll be there at the same time.

Anonymous said...

I was there and loved every minute of it. Thank you all - thank you!!!! Now one of my favorite things (just one of many) was that big silver fountain. Now I could have sat there all day and watched the play, love, interaction and complete joy. It was a precious moment for me. Even the music was just a bit of Heaven. If you have never been there you would love it. It is in the park where the space needle is. Just loved it!!!

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.

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