Wednesday, July 5, 2006


Mom--remember that shirt you gave me for Easter? Well, it's really cute and so I decided to wear it today to celebrate another paid day of vacation. Unfortunately, while I was in the UPS Store, it suddenly turned on me. I was simply mailing a certain someone a little something for his birthday when I looked down and realized that two of the most vital snaps had "de-SNAPPIFIED." Let me put it this way, the guy at the UPS store is one lucky dude. I'm not sure if that's what you had in mind when you gave me my 2006 Easter Present, but I definitely think I'll be wearing it more often. It certainly attracts a lot of male attention. Yep--the gift that keeps on giving.

I think someone I know uses the word "snap" in place of a curse word. . .at least that's what I thought it meant.


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