Monday, July 10, 2006

Super Suduko Monday

A few months back, Jeff was telling me about Suduko puzzles. Apparently, I've been in the dark for months. . .because these little gems have nearly replaced the good old fashioned crossword puzzle. At first, I was a bit defensive of my standby NYT crosswords. Without fail, every Monday I cut out the puzzle to try my hand at genius. I'm so confident in my abilities that I always do it in pen. I think it drives some people crazy. I don't really care. It's my puzzle. My challenge. My indulgence. My silliness.

After weeks of shunning the Suduko/Sudoku (I've seen is spelled both ways), I was sucked in while on the airplane coming back from Seattle. With all of my magazines perused, I was forced to skim through the airline magazine and there it was, my first Suduko puzzle. . .I'm hooked. Fortunately, just like the crossword puzzles in the paper, the Suduko puzzles get more difficult as the week goes on. . .so Monday is my big puzzle day. I'm just a beginner, but my coaches seem to think I have a lot of potential in the professional Suduko circuit. Maybe I'll quit my job, move to Seattle and start a Suduko Studio. Hmmm, I might have something there.

Everyone pick up your paper from today, cut out the Suduko and join me for one of life's simple pleasures.


Anonymous said...

i was trying to go to this web page:
but i ended up at whereflowersbloom. coincidence?
you should go there, if you can ever beat my best time on easy (it keeps track of those kinds of things) i will buy you a milkshake.

Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

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