Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Cart Returner

I'm convinced that there are two types of people in this world. The person who returns their shopping cart to the grocery store and the person who leaves the cart in the parking lot.

For heaven's sake--why can't everyone walk the extra 15 steps to put their shopping basket in its proper place? I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I am a proud cart returner from way back. In fact, I sometimes feel it a part of my civic duty. I'm giving back to humankind, people. What about you? Let's all get out there and make a difference. . .one cart at a time.


Eric said...

We leave them there so the store can supply jobs to high school kids. And would a trip to the store really be the same without hearing the phrase 'cart-roundup' over the intercom?

Anonymous said...

YOU GO ERIC - that's my kind of attitude. I was a cart put-awayer but you have convinced me that those kids need jobs and from now on when I go in the store I'm going to pay attention to the intercom - I want to hear those words "cart-roundup". But just a side note we went to make a late night run to wal-mart tonight - WOW there sure aren't any of the people in Blackfoot trying to make a difference, but the cart holders were full and there were carts all over the parking lot. We both (mike and me) commented on the number of carts out. Also, I didn't see any HIGH SCHOOL KIDS out picking them up. HUMMMMMMMM maybe they were . . . well I'm not sure where they were. Now I am in a dilema - put the cart away or not???????

Calli said...

Micky--I am also a cart returner. I knew we were kindred spirits. I always feel bad for the cart return staff when it is raining or snowing outside.

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