Sunday, August 13, 2006

Greasy--the Damned CAT!

A few weeks ago I received a call from Lori. Her voice held a level of desperation that was completely out of character. Usually, Lori is my sounding board. She's level-headed, firm, and reasonable. That's the way she handles stressful situations. That's the way she parents. It's one of the many things I respect about her and one of the traits I hope I'm developing by her example. All of the confidence I have in my dear friend nearly went out the window when she told me that Alan (her husband) went to pick up Brooke (7) from a friend's house and brought home an "extra." A CAT! You have to understand that Lori and I have very similar feelings about such things. We don't really like them. So, I felt confident that when she told me the news that it would be followed by a description of how she stood firm and had Alan and Brooke return the kitten to its rightful owner--it's mother! Unfortunately, I could hear (and feel) her waivering. She began to explain that the kids loved the kitten. The kitten was cute. Will plays with the kitten. I knew right then and there that life had changed as I know it. Lori had fallen! She had fallen victim to her children's big eyes. It's a trap I fall into everytime I'm with them--it's okay for me because I'm "Auntie Michelley," but it's a completely different story when the ever consistent and unwavering mom succombs.

So--I'd like everyone to meet Gracie (I loved that name for a little girl, but not anymore!). When the kids aren't listening, I like to call her GREASY. Chances are that over time I'll learn to love the little skanky feline, too. Remember that I was one of the mourners who cried in the Jenkin's backyard when we buried their dog Jasher. I'm sure Greasy and I are going to get along just fine--as long as she keeps her distance. Welcome to the family, Gracie. You're in for a wild ride.

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