Friday, August 4, 2006

Look Under Your Feet

One of the hardest things for me is to look at this very moment. To see the joy in now rather than looking fondly at the past or hopefully to the future is a struggle I think we all face. So, today I'm going to make a special effort to be grateful for the time, people, and places I have the blessing of experiencing. First thing on the list. . .a run in the rain. I think I'll follow that with a hot shower, a cup of oatmeal, and a rockin' drive to work. Of course, I have some wedding work to look forward to, maybe a chat with Lula & Lori, and then some final Haiti Day preparation. I have to make a stop at my neighbor's abode where the FedEx guy so sweetly left my new BR shirt dress yesterday. Of course, I didn't get home until late last night and have been dying to run over to the Roper's to retrieve my new clothing trophy, but as it's 5ish in the morning, I'm refraining. Don't even worry that I'm going to top the day off with dinner and a little Tim & Faith concert with Miss Alicia and Lady Loveless. . .wish KFagnon was in town.
Oh wow--this is going to be a great day! "The lesson which life constantly repeats is to 'look under your feet.' You are always nearer to the divine and the true sources of your power than you think. The lure of the distant and the difficult is deceptive. The great opportunity is where you are. Do not despise your own place and hour. Every place is under the stars. Every place is the center of the world."

--John Burroughs

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