Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Miss Melis

When I went to the mailbox tonight, there was a special envelope from Miss Melis. I was so excited that I nearly peed my pants, but I managed to control myself. She had written a completely splendid letter on the most unique stationary--a notepad from her realtor (Melanie Coon). . .picture and all. It was classic Melissa--clever, kind, and simply perfect. I was especially excited to view the picts she sent. . .one for me and one for Kimmy. She is quite the photographer.

Melis also presented a rather thought-provoking question in her letter--why do realtors insist on putting their pictures on every possible piece of promotional material they send out? Mom always posts a mini calendar on our refrigerator with a lovely picture of our realtor friend G. Gifford. In fact, I think I have magnet on my refrig from the Tornows. I have no idea who they are, but they stare at me every time I go to get a snack. No other occupation does it. . .huh, this is a topic for reflection.

Thanks, Melis. Thought you'd enjoy this photo I recently snagged. You're a gem of a gal. MISS YOU bundles!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got my own entry! I never knew it would feel so triumphant! I am thrilled you enjoyed the note - and the stationary. I'm glad you mentioned my realtor by name - she deserves it (all that hard work at self promotion), although she would have appreciated a post of her picture! Don't sell out though michelley!

I love the pic - you did a fabulous job. Hopefully we'll meet for a photo shoot soon. Maybe we could plan a vacation around that. Think about it.

Thanks again for the shout out!

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