Thursday, November 19, 2009

Days with Damian

For some reason, most of the pictures from my trip to MA are of Damian. I think it must have something to do with the fact that he's SO cute and we spent quite a bit of time with him the past week.

He gives THE BEST kisses. In fact, by the end of our visit, I could just turn my cheek and he's place the sweetest little kiss. LOVE that.
Damian and I have a lot in common. He is a bit silly. LOVE that.
You know that time it is? TICKLE TORTURE time!!! That's one of the official jobs of the "favorite auntie."
Damian is very serious about Spiderman. . . . and wears his hood when it's cold.
Adores his grandma . . . and she LOVES him to bits.
Has fun with his grandpa. He likes to wear grandma's bands--thinks he looks like a Lamanite. Grandpa joins in the fun.
Damian takes his menu review very seriously. He is especially fond of sundaes with gummy bears, m&ms, and rainbow sprinkles. If there's a picnic involved, it's even better.
He enjoys dressing up like grandpa by putting on his spectacles and a white mustache. You should see him stuff those tissues up his nose. HILARIOUS.
And we're in love . . .
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1 comment:

Trent and Meg said...

YEA!!! Thanks so much for sharing pictures of your trip! I'm glad you got to go with the parents :)

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