Friday, December 11, 2009

Holiday Stuffing of a Different Sort

Since I don't think Kenley is a regular WFB reader, I'm taking a chance and asking the world of wonderful bloggers for stocking stuffer ideas. My official Christmas gift purchasing for the handsome man in my life is complete, but now I'm just looking for a few little treasures--you know, the proverbial holiday icing on the cake. Any suggestions???

Just so you don't think I'm all take and no give--might I suggest a trip to the BYU Barbershop where, for just $1.00, you can purchase a shampooer for men. The first time Kenley visited my parent's house, he found the small plastic disc in the shower and fell in love. Trust me, every father, brother, boyfriend, and husband within the sound of my voice should have one of these little babies in their stockings. . . I'm just sayin'!!!
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Anonymous said...

Maybe YOU!

Nurse Heidi said...

That's my yearly dilemma...good luck ;P. No, actually, I try to find excellent chocolate (may I suggest Amano?) or other gourmet food. You can never go wrong with good food. I also like to write love notes - always appreciated :).

marisa said...

a few ideas:

hope this helps!


michelleyv said...

Marisa--Kenley will be so excited. He loves Asian food and those chopsticks will certainly be a stocking stuffer favorite--and who could pass up the sand names print or the practical hitch critter. Seriously--have you suggested a stocking stuffer segment to D?

Anonymous said...

I read your blog more than u think


Calli said...

isn't he a sports guy? Tiki Barber recommends a remote controlled beer cooler, so none of the guys have to get up. Won't fit in a stocking, but maybe that's were you can put his "beer". Every guy needs one of these right? oh, and I suppose when they run out of beer they just send it on into the kitchen where you will undoubtedly be to refill it for them. What would we do without Tiki?

Anonymous said...

Ok, what is a guy shampooer? I have to decide if this incredible plastic object is needed by a couple of cub bears in the cub cave.

Cub Momma

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