Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Crazy for Headbands

Somewhere between Thanksgiving and now, these little headbands have become the topic of many conversations. Visit Campus Craft & Floral to purchase one for yourself. They're a hot item, so don't wait!

Oh, and you might want to check out the Campus Craft blog a bit more often. Marisa is taking over the reigns and is mixing things up a bit. I think you'll really like it.
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Eric said...

Finally. As long as there are more pictures of Marisa I will be happy.

Lois said...

I've taken to knitting stuffed animals lately. I was at the dentist's office knitting and the dental assistant asked me what I was making. I said, "a cat." She then said, "Oh, you mean those cute ones with the flowers on them?" Huh? A cat with flowers on it? Then I realized she thought I said "cap." I'm sure those cute headbands are what she was thinking of. They're adorable!

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