Sunday, January 10, 2010

Resolving to Resolve

I'm sure you're all dying to know what I've resolved to do in 2010. In all honesty, I've been wondering the same thing myself. Jeff and I were talking about it this weekend and I committed to make some resolutions and he agreed to hold me accountable. So, last week in our ward program, there was a talk by Elder Joe J. Christensen entitled, "Resolutions." It can be read in its entirety here. I would highly recommend taking a few minutes to study its message. He suggests making resolutions in four main areas of our lives--thus, my inspiration for 2010.

Resolution number one: I resolve to expand my intellectual horizons, to increase in wisdom.

1. I'm reading, people. My goal is 20 books this year--good books. I'm open to any and all suggestions.

Resolution number two: I will be resolute in preserving and strengthening my physical health.

2. I'm moving. 1,000 miles in 2010--walking, running, skipping, jumping.

3. At least 64 oz of water a day--NO exceptions.

Resolution number three: I resolve to be a truer friend and to become more socially acceptable to people of high standards.

4. I'm smiling more.

5. Entertaining at least once a month--new friends and old friends.

6. I'm going to be more forgiving and less judgmental.

Resolutions number four: I will grow spiritually—I will increase in favor with God.

7. Our bishop challenged everyone in the ward to read the Book of Mormon by April conference. I started last week.

8. I'm resolving to be more spiritually in tune with the needs of the primary children in our ward. They make me happy.

And just because I want to:

9. I'm eating more Nutella in 2010. You know you wish this was one of your resolutions!

10. I'm definitely going to express more love through words and deeds to those who matter most.

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Tiffany said...

For the book reading one you should join our ward's underground book group. It's basically a secret society but we're always up for more people joining! This month we're reading the Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis and the next meeting will be February 4 at 8 pm at Marilyn Miles' home.

Quigley Family said...

I might copy you. Great goals. You are so awesome!

annie-net said...

I just read "The Help" great book!
Pretty sure you will like it. Great resolutions.

Anonymous said...

What a great resource!

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