Sunday, January 31, 2010

Tea Anyone?

A long weekend in St. George is always good for the soul. It's also good for beefing my reading list. Last week I finished re-reading The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman-- which is on my list of most recommended books. Kenley finished it today and it has helped our perspective as a couple. It is a book everyone should read at least once--so head to the library first thing tomorrow.

Today's drive home from Utah's Dixie brought the end of a silly romance novel (the title I refuse to reveal) which was gifted by Sister #3. This week my goal is to read Three Cups of Tea by Gret Mortenson & David Oliver Relin.

"With the first cup of tea you are a stranger. With the second. . .a friend. With the third cup of tea, you are family."
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Aubri said...

I need to send you The Help it was really good.


Three Cups of Tea is a great read and I also love The Help. Have you read Peace Like a River by Leif Enger? Oh, and this is Shelley M.

Lois said...

We read "Three Cups of Tea" and "Peace Like a River" for book club. Both good reads. Come on, tell us the name of the romance novel!!!

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