Saturday, February 20, 2010

For Jessica

I spent some time doing team debate in high school. Truthfully, I wasn't really that good at it, but, in retrospect, it helped me develop some important skills--skills that have helped me feel organize my thoughts, calm my nerves, and be more articulate in public.

One of the main reasons I continued to compete was my partner, Jessica. She wasn't afraid of anything--you know, one of those people who can best be described as "zippy." We spent countless hours together developing arguments, sorting through research, and preparing for competitive travel. Unlike other teams, we really liked one another and I felt more at ease with her next to me.

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Last week, I learned of her mysterious disappearance. Jessica and her 4 year old daughter haven't been heard of for weeks. They are believed to be on the run with her husband, Gabe, who is wanted for the murders of his mother and her boyfriend. Local reports are suggesting that there is a chance they might be heading to Utah. Please keep your eyes open for Jessica and Kalea. Keep them in your - Man wanted for Ore. murders may be headed for Utah

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1 comment:

Nurse Heidi said...

This story makes me sick to my stomach :(. I've been racking my brain trying to remember if I knew the husband back in my ROTC days, but he doesn't look familiar at all.

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