Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Modern Family

Dear Monica & the Farmers (just like a 1960s singing group),

Thank you for introducing me to Jay and the fam. I'm officially addicted.

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Aubri said...

Love this show! We laugh so hard.

monica said...

this makes me sooo happy. i am glad you joined our team.

ps. did you know i am MORE than likely moving to the salt lake area....


Laura said...

Where have you been?

michelleyv said...

Mon--it's about time you joined the Utah faction. Oh, I can't wait to have your creative self close.

LBear--where have I been? Where have you been? Seriously, you couldn't have told me about the show? I talk to you every day.

Anonymous said...

nice post. thanks.

kaitlin said...

haha YESS love it.
so glad we can add this to our "things to talk about list" (as if we don't have enough).

EVEN THOUGH i'm about to go on a strike because they are having some kind of issues and not having new episodes the last two weeks. ridiculous.

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