Thursday, March 18, 2010

Birthday Miracles from a Box

Laura and I went to dinner on my birthday and when we returned to my house, there was a bag of true lemon goodness waiting. Janice (whom I think is the bomb-diggity), had whipped up a batch of the best lemon cookies via a cakemix I've ever had. I adore all things lemon anyway, but these were delightful.

Here's her recipe. I hope she doesn't mind me sharing. Afterall, shouldn't we share miracles with all those who will listen?

Mix 1 lemon cake mix, 1/2 cup butter & 2 eggs. Bake at 350 for 10 minutes. Cool and stick two cookies together with lemon frosting.

Yep, that's it. Another modern day birthday baking miracle brought to you by ME and my friend, Janice.
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