Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Family that Prays (and Runs) Together. . .

I've challenged everyone in my extended family that is willing and able to run to complete a half marathon in August. It's a risky venture with responses ranging from, and I quote, "HELL no" to "When do we start training?" I just think it would be really powerful to have as many McNeels as possible set a goal and accomplish it together and for those not running to cheer us on. So, yesterday, James and I went on our first Saturday run up the Provo Canyon. Let me just say this about our run--adversity makes us stronger. It was cold, windy, and we ran a bit further than anticipated. The good news is that it felt great to accomplish 7 miles together--like the first step of many (quite literally) to finishing a long race.

Watch for McNeel Marathon updates over the coming weeks. If you're interested in joining us, we're running the Hobble Creek Half on Saturday, August 21st. The more the merrier.
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Calli said...

The Provo half/Loveless Family invites the McNeels/Virtues to join us too.

Jerilyn said...

Michelle you are my running hero! I would totally run with you again (I think it's been long enough that I've forgotten the pain)... if only I lived down the street and wasn't going to be venturing on different type of marathon... called having a baby that day (aug 21st, hopefully)! :) Love ya! Be one with the canyon.

Kimmy said...

If only I were in town. I would love this!! Well, maybe hate/love this:)

Nurse Heidi said...

Love Hobblecreek! That's my PR course, and I want to beat it this year :). I have to warn you, though, that they filled up in two days last year, so you will need to register ON May 1st to get your spot.

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