Monday, March 15, 2010

How My Feet Celebrated

It has been a good week for my feet. Kenley made sure a pair of Miz Mooz (my favorite brand of shoes) was in my birthday dreams. This little pair of red pumps are now a new favorite. Thanks, babe!This little number (in black) was a gift to myself. They are SO cute. I can't wait for the sun to come out so I can wear them.And these riding boots are beautiful, but are still in the "I'm not sure my calves can handle them" stage. Don't get me wrong, I can zip them up--but it ain't pretty. Does anyone know how to diet specifically smaller calves? Let me know. I have 60 days before a final decision needs to be made. For now, I'm just walking around my house with them on--accompanied by my black capris (I look like a nut job).Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Calli said...

I need a shoe sense waiting until Nov. for my birthday. I would like to scour your closet for inspiration. Then I need my husband to take a pain pill while I slip to Nordstroms. He'll never know.

kaitlin said...

haha oh boy, that is ALWAYS my problem when it comes to boots, us farmers have the biggest calves around. i want to SEE THE boots in real life!

Jennifer M said...

Happy Birthday!! I only wish I had shoes that cute in my closet. Maybe someday....

And I can't wait to try the lemon cookies. How easy-sounding, and springy!

Lois said...

Kenley bought you shoes? What kind of a man buys shoes? Then again, my husband gave me pepper spray for Valentine's Day (seriously, he did).

I've heard that you can take boots to shoe repair places to get them stretched out. I've never tried it, though (I just buy boots in a larger size and wear lots of socks).

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