Tuesday, August 31, 2010

TOday is TOsday

School started yesterday. Leisure days, short lines and good parking are already a distant memory. I woke up for a run this morning. The limited number of beautiful mornings was the only thing that got my weary (and might I add semi-lazy) self out from my comfy bed. It always takes me a minuto or two to fully comprehend what I'm actually about to do to my body. That's probably for the best. How is that something that feels so awful can make you feel so good? At any rate, it's Tuesday. I'm off to a great start.
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Trent and Meg said...


Laura said...

Welcome back sister. We've missed you!

Calli said...

Can you come get me out of bed? My running gams are becoming a distant memory.

michelleyv said...

Your running gams made it 13 miles in remarkable time just 3 weeks ago. The memory lives on, sister. Maybe I should move next door--that way I'd have renewed motivation.

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