Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bread Pudding

My friend, Rachel, posted this recipe on her blog a bit ago and I've been wanting to try it, but I'm afraid. She first had it at book club. This might absolutely convince me to join that darned thing. Croissants, white chocolate, sugar, heavy cream. . .eggs. Oh, my! I'm afraid if I eat it, I'll have it forever. The next time I have dinner guests, I'm whipping up a batch, even at the risk of imminent heart disease.

In a 9x13 pan layer 8 buttered croissants sliced open face up. Sprinkle white chocolate chips and layer again.

In a bowl mix:
8 Large eggs
1 Cup Sugar
3 Cups Heavy Cream
2 tsp. Vanilla bean paste
1/2 tsp. Nutmeg
1 Tablespoon Cinnamon

Pour over bread and smash down using a spoon making sure all gets soaked. Let Stand for 30 Minutes.

Bake at 350 for 1hr 30 min in a larger pan water bath (half full) -- covered with foil. Take foil off the last 7 or 8 minutes.

1 Cube Real butter

1 Cup Sugar
1/2 Cup Heavy Cream
1 tsp. Vanilla Bean Paste

Dissolve and Melt in Microwave. Do not boil.

Add any desired fruit last.

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1 comment:


Can I come over for dinner?

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