Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Nutty for Nutella

The Farmer sisters went to Germany for the spring term. I bid them adieu on the condition that they mail me a postcard and bring me back a bit of the famed European version of Nutella. It's actually called Nutella & Go! Well, I'm "GO"ing crazy for it. They are so cute I can't even stand it! Thank you, Farmers, for pulling through on your end of the bargain! You can definitely go again next year.

p.s. Dear blogging friends--pay no attention to the frazzled women wearing an old Dam Marathon t-shirt and handling the hazelnut goods. She is obviously not well. . . .
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Alicia said...

So good to see you back blogging. I've missed you.

Laura said...

Is it weird that I've never really had Nutella?

kaitlin said...

how cute are you with your new photobooth photo on your macbook?

hope you like it. andd especially the hippo. we're sure glad to be back with our friends at ccf!

michelleyv said...

I just ate the hippo. OH MY Gosh. I'm booking my flight across the pond this very moment. I'm going on a hippo safari. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Calli said...

if you're booking a flight then I am too...where to? there is an 18 month old that is making it very easy for me to want to leave the country today.

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