Thursday, September 16, 2010

Slab O Pizza

Today we were SO hungry. You know, the point to where you feel like your big guts are eating your little guts. And when Holly, Tasha and I are all hungry at the same time, it means a quick trip to our favorite slice of pizza heaven. We call our friends at SLAB Pizza (and we really feel like they're our friends), race down the hill, and enjoy a bit of pie--okay, it's a lot more than a bit. Today, H & T were in the mood for Hawaiian Paradise and I can't resist the fennel, sausage & chevre. So, if your travels ever take you south of campus, pay them a visit. You will love the fresh ingredients, inventive combinations, and friendly service. It will definitely keep your little guts from being gobbled up. Who knows, we might see you there.
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