Sunday, September 5, 2010

Too Many Datelines--I Think NOT

Kenley and I always watched Datelines or 48 Hours Mysteries together. JCL is a fan, too. This post is for the two of them. Oh, and don't be surprised to see yours truly interviewed by Maureen Maher very soon.

Last week when I drove to SLC to tape my Studio 5 segment, I was at a stop light and kept hearing this weird noise. It was coming from the car next to me. I rolled down my windows, turned off my radio and heard a strange thumping coming from the trunk of the circa 1990 Buick. Seriously! There was a person in that trunk. I know it. FREAKY. And, NO, it wasn't just an over-active thumping bass. Don't you worry, I reported the captive to the proper authorities. That, in combination with the apprehension of a campus thief a few months ago, has me convinced that the hours I've spent studying the criminal mind via nighttime television are finally starting to pay off.

Keep watching, boys. It only takes one person with keen senses and a sharp mind to save a life.

Sidenote--I refuse to watch "TO catch a Predator." I don't want to catch predators, thank you very much.
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marisa said...

way to go! dateline is one of the BEST programs ever imho. just tonight doug and i watched "when the smoke clears," the tale of the 1989 murder of a neat-freak where the only evidence was saliva DNA on a cigarette butt. dateline's made me paranoid, but better safe than sorry, right? p.s. keith morrison is the best narrator. or... is he?

Veronica said...

you are a hero.

Lois said...

I want to hear more about your crime-fighting ways!

Don't get me started on "Dateline" and "48 Hours Mystery." I type transcripts of those shows. "To Catch a Predator" is the worst. Nothing like typing, "Unidentified Pervert #32."

michelleyv said...

Lois--I'm laughing out loud right now. I pray at night that "unidentified pervert #32" will steer clear of "GV 15."

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