Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Back Seat Middle. . .Feet on the Hump!

So I talked to Suzanne M. today and wanted to send her a special "shout out" from her favorite niece. Suzanne mentioned that she is now a daily blog-checker. . . .not surprising as she is brilliant. Afterall, she is the mother of the "cub bears" and should be revered by all because of her resilience, loyalty, and genuine goodness. Now, I know she hates having her picture taken, but I couldn't resist posting this little gem from our days spent on the Mediterranean. Suzanne is the hot looking babe on the right. Gosh, I'd kill for a day on the beach right now. Suzanne, I think you'd make a beautiful addition to the mix. Bring those comments right on, little lady!


Anonymous said...

Now isn't this a foxy bunch. Please notice the beautiful outfits. They were a gift - well Suzanne's may have been a gift to herself, but they sure are cute little chicks. Oh, and by the way I would give something of great value to be there in Isreal again!!!! I would say again this bunch could pass a Sexy Lexy!!

Anonymous said...

Are we about the best looking things that has ever hit the beach. Yes we are because we are the only ones on the beach. I am in desperate need of a day on the beach or possibly a week on the beach. When do we go? (No offense to my job or the people I work with!Right, Mayor) Believe it people, I have become a daily blog watcher, better yet I am becoming a daily blog commentor. So beware of the comments coming from the Cub Momma. Keep up the good work Michelle you make my day!!

Anonymous said...

lula, glad you're up and at 'em early this morning...keep you cell phone handy, in case someone would like to talk to you

Anonymous said...

The nearest beach to us is at Jensen's grove...beach, just no water.

michelleyv said...

Maybe the Mayor had better work on the Blackfoot beach situation. I'm pretty sure there would be some hot southern (Utah) girls visiting his fair city more often.

Anonymous said...

Hey Mayor of Blackfoot - is your priority to keep water in Jensen's Grove or in the pool? You have to pick. Beach for the beauties or water for the other beauties - the red headed Mayor is a beauty.

Anonymous said...

No way would I spend a day on that beach let alone a week. Give me a beach on the Mediterranean. I would have suggested a beach at Rio but we would be way over dressed and I am not comfortable wearing a thong just yet. (And that includes the males. SCARY!!!!)

michelleyv said...

Come on Suz--let's BE FREE. By the time we run our 13 miles this summer we'll have thong-worthy bodies, right?

Anonymous said...

What are you thinking? Run 13 miles? Let alone in a thong?
Again, What are you thinking?

Anonymous said...

OK Michelle, I am rethinking the whole 13 mile thing. I got on the treadmill last night and died at about a mile. This momma ain't goin be wearing no thong, cause this momma will never be able to run 13 miles unless a miracle happens!

Veronica said...

Oh man, I'm so glad Suzanne's here...now we can really get this party started!

michelleyv said...

I can't believe "cub momma" is chickening out of the run. We're definitely going to have to talk about this.

Anonymous said...

Remember how Co Co didn't get to go on the first trip. Talk about needing a beach. Kimmy hasn't seen the light of day. The neon lights in the barbershop make me look like a polar bear. I ran 3 miles this morning. Suzanne, I am in need of a miracle as well!!!

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