Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Final Sundance Picts

I know you're all probably sick of these, but here's my final installment of Sundance pictures. Veronica. . .double or nothing?


Anonymous said...

I still don't know any of these people. Are they old boyfriends and girlfriends? It's a sad day in the neighborhood when celebrity just doesn't do it for you anymore.

Anonymous said...

yeah so i noticed you never put up a sundance picture of me and that cute girl i was with, but i dont think i expected it, since only really observant people knew enough about us to ask us to autograph stuff.

Anonymous said...

Lula- here it is from top to bottom...Tipper and Al, The Osbornes (at least one), George Mcfly, my hometeacher Edwardo with long hair, Dawson and I don't know the last celeb but he looks British. I could be wrong on these, but I like to think that I am not wrong! Ever. Who is Adam park city?

Anonymous said...

Sorry guys this has nothing to with with Sundance or Dawson Creek or anything. Michelle I have included the website of that wedding dress I was telling you about. Scroll down a little and you'll see the pictures.

Veronica said...

Adam Park City is my brother. From the same mother.

Anonymous said...

Crispin Glover is George McFly true enough, but that does not define him. He's just so much more than that. Rubin and Ed anyone? Or how about the "Birthday Boy" episode of Family Ties when he played Doug? C'mon!

Anonymous said...

Who is this "other Veronica" I don't know him at all...what is he even talking about? HA HA!

Anonymous said...

All I want to know is who in the same is THE OTHER LAURA? And Macho Man? Who cares who these celebs are. Hey Adam where have you been? I really am starting to get confused - everyone needs to stand up and be accounted for. Who are all you guys?

Anonymous said...

I just recognized al gore and kipper. Who do they think they are? Movie Stars? I don't think so. I can't even bear putting their names with caps. I just don't think I like him - he gives me the heebby geebbies (whatever - sound it out)- now kipper isn't so bad, but Park City? - what are they thinking?

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