Saturday, February 11, 2006

Because I Care

My second installment in the Cupid, You're Kinda Stupid series is inspired by a card message I read today which originated from a CCF customer. It went something like this--"I'd ask you to be my Valentine, but you know how I hate standing in line. Love, Dad." I'm no sap, but is that not the sweetest thing you've ever heard? I always tell customers that the card message is the most important part of their floral token. It's imperative that you write a message! I don't care if you're just forwarding old mail to a former roommate--include some sort of personal note. "hey! we miss you"; "I want my flat iron back, you little booger"; "Where did you hide the plunger?" ANYTHING will do! I have to admit that sometimes the simpler the better. I once knew someone whose token phrase was simply and beautifully--"Because I care." This little article should help those of you who are struggling with cupid's notes of love. Just remember that only the stupid omit the message.

Dating & Relating
Love letters 101
By Dan Bova

You know she’d like a little love note this time of year, but does the thought of putting pen to paper make you clam up? Get over it with these tips.

  1. 1. Short can be sweetLetting a woman know you care about her doesn’t require you to fill 800 pages of parchment. Often, spontaneous little love notes make a bigger impression. So go ahead and send a funny Valentine’s Day card or another short form. Says Pam, 30, from Albany, New York: “I’m dating a guy who sends me postcards a lot. They’re great because they make me laugh and let me know he’s thinking of me.” When selecting a card, have fun. The goofier, the better — send one from the town you both live in! And the great thing is that rather than some intimidating big ol’ blank sheet of paper to fill, you’ve got this limited space that demands you write short and cute and get to the adorable point.
  2. Use your standard vocabulary. We know, we know: We’ve all been raised to believe that a love letter should be written in verse with lots of flowery words. But leave the ere’s, whilst’s and whither’s to one side and use your everyday vocabulary. “I’d much rather hear that someone finds me as delightful as hot cocoa on a cold day than all that fake poetic stuff,” says Monica, 29, of Exeter, Massachusetts. “When a guy lays it on too thick, with the fancy language and rhymes, it just doesn’t feel as if he’s being sincere. I got a letter once that was so over-the-top, it really felt as if the guy was trying to convince himself that he had these big emotions, rather than truly communicating with me.” So speak from your heart, not a rhyming dictionary – tell her what she reminds you of, how her smile makes you feel – and you’ll win her over.
  3. Win her over with the un-letter. Another path to her affection? Creativity. Send her a doodle you did while thinking of her, or design a faux fortune cookie insert with a message customized for her. Or try this idea from Fred, 38, of Austin, Texas: “Sometimes I’ll send my girlfriend silly little love notes — I’ll tear a photo of a puppy out of a magazine and send it to her with a Post-It on it saying something like, ‘Could this be cuter than you…? Impossible!’ just to cheer her up and let her know how I feel about her.”Are you the kind who just can’t seem to get your act together — never have stamps on hand? Better to express a little love than none at all, so why not ditch the written form and leave her a voicemail or send an email. Even if it only amounts to, “Hey, thinking of you, Sunshine!” she’ll be happy to know she’s on your mind.
  4. Learn the ABCs of L-O-V-E. In a recent poll, women sent a strong message about what doesn’t make their heart beat faster in an email message: Poor grammar and spelling. Observes Dr. Pat Love, Ed.d, author of The Truth About Love, “Correct spelling is important because women want to believe that the person they are dating is at least of average intelligence! And especially with email, spell checking doesn’t take any time to do. It’s easy. So if a man sends you an email full of typos, it says that he just dashed it off and sent it without giving it a second thought. That he doesn’t really care and he’s not taking it seriously.”
  5. Jog her memoryIf you’re feeling at a loss about what to say, use your shared moments as your fodder. By mentioning something that you two experienced together, you’re forging a stronger connection. Says David, 41, of Berkeley, California, “Sometimes I want to send a card, but it feels so impersonal to just sign it. What I usually do is refer back to our time together — I’ll say, the color of this envelope reminded me of that sweater you wore the night we met. Just something simple like that, and she tells me I’m the most romantic guy.”
  6. Get too forward at your own risk. Remember, when someone is reading what you wrote, they can’t tell your tone of voice. Something that might sound sarcastic or goofy coming out of your mouth might look sleazy and just plain gross on paper. “Don’t get too romantic too quickly and certainly don’t use any sexual innuendos too soon,” cautions Pat. “Remember, females are designed to warm up slowly.” So until you really, really, really get to know one another, leave adjectives like “throbbing” to the Danielle Steeles of the world.

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