Thursday, February 23, 2006

Black Beauty Comes Home

I don't know what has gotten into me, but I have turned into a techno-diva. Well, not really a diva. . .more like a wanna-be diva. I have this sudden urge to purchase everything new, hip, and digital. New computer, TiVo, the XT, etc. I think I might be having some sort of semi-mid life crisis. It all came to a head yesterday when I purchased an iPod Nano. Some people buy a pack of gum on impulse, others might jump on a new keychain. I, on the other hand, go to buy some new blank cds and leave with an iPod. The fact of the matter is that is was just screaming my name. "Michelle, take me home. Michelle, I'm black and shiny. Michelle, I will get you through your 1/2 marathon training. Michelle, YOU NEED ME!" So, rather than fighting the inevitable, I brought Black Beauty home. . .where she belongs.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations...welcome to the 21st century! When you get tivo now, your life will become so easy. You will simply breeze through life!

Veronica said...
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Veronica said...

That is one hot iPod.

Anonymous said...

finally i had something before you... fyi-it's not nearly as cool as the XT(or so I imagine) : )

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