Saturday, February 18, 2006

Milky Waters

I think it's time I admit to having special connections. Mofia? Close, but not quite. Actually, I think the Big Man Upstairs can see when I'm in need of a respite. Yesterday I needed to get away. . .remember that Calgon commercial they used to show? That was me. So, I took part of the afternoon off to shoot some photos up the canyon. I'm still trying to get the hang of the XT (which is proving to be more challenging that I had once supposed). I'm tell you--that little devil is full of surprises. We loaded our gear and set out with Lori's 'bitchin' lenses to capture the essence of the snow covered oasis. Last week in our photography class we learned how to make running water look milky smooth. Well, we were suppose to have learned. I guess I didn't catch all of the instructions because there wasn't anything milky smooth about my water pictures. Mark said it was the lighting, but I think he was just trying to make me feel better. Ah, the beauties of nature! Fresh air and sunshine. . .two things I've been missing in my office for weeks. Why don't I take every Friday afternoon off to plod through the snow with my camera?
Best siting of the day goes to L#1. I think this daddy is looking for Bambi. Bambi, oh, Bambi, where are you? Word is that the 5 we saw atop the ridge were twice this fella's size. WOW! That's a lot of animal.
The self timer on my camera works! Have you ever heard of Photography With the Stars? I think it has the potential to be the next great reality TV show. I hope they'll pair me up with Kurt Rambis. I think he has some real photography potential. He would certainly do better behind the camera than in front of it.
Please note that there are only 20 shopping days until my birthday. . .20 days until we have the photography face-off. No worries, I have a few secrets up my sleeve.


Anonymous said...

yet another plug for the XT - are they paying you for this? one word about this whole entry: jealous

Anonymous said...

Sweet Picts.

Anonymous said...

Hey Meliss! Just wanted to say "hi"! Oh, the pictures are pretty nice. The water is a little rough though (J/K)

Anonymous said...

That girl on the right is pretty damn hot!! What's her number?

Anonymous said...

Her # is 777-BABE! Give her a call. She'll make it worth your while. . .guaranteed.

Eric said...

How did you get Kimmy to stand so still behind that thicket of bushes?

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