Tuesday, February 28, 2006

My Good Deed for the Day

Everyone can relate to this. You walk through a restaurant and when you sit down, your sister turns to you and says. . .your zipper is down. Maybe you go through an entire date with Kieffer only to realize that you sat through dinner with something green and slimy in your teeth. Last spring when we were flying back from London, there was a lady in line in front of us who had her pant size sticker stuck to the back of her thigh. It's a good thing she was a size 4 (brat). I bet everyone has endured an entire day with something on their butt. In the floral industry, it's not uncommon to wear lily "poop" (pollen) on your face for hours without anyone saying a word. So, today I decided to rescue someone from the ultimate in avoidable embarrassments. I glanced out to the front counter of the store and noticed a customer working with one of my cashiers. She was a rather large woman and the back of her skirt was tucked into her very white slip. MORAL DILEMMA. I turned to Adrienne and asked her what she thought our best course of action should be. Always brilliant--her response. . ."something needs to be done." My head was spinning. This is a bit embarrassing to admit, but the thought honestly crossed my mind that maybe she had done it on purpose. Maybe she wanted to get a reaction out of the conservative BYU community. . .you know, one of those experiments they do for psychology classes. It also occurred to me that I might want to grab my camera so I could have some evidence of the incident for the blog. . .I refrained. When I was finally shaken to my senses, I decided that I'd do exactly what I would want someone to do for me. I casually walked behind the woman, said quickly "let me help you," pulled her skirt out the slip and walked back into my office. Apparently, she hadn't been aware of the situation and certainly hadn't planned the revelation. . .because she didn't hit me or yell at me and she actually seemed quite grateful. The moral of the story. . .slips always cause problems (ladies, you'll agree) and DO UNTO OTHERS. . .

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