Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Need a Bic?

A few posts ago, I mentioned Katie Couric's legs. That stimulated a commentary of sorts from some of my favorite "commentors" about Baby Bop shaving her legs. Let me just say this. . .women should always shave their legs. Now, I'm not an extremist and I know as well as any woman that shaving is not always convenient or pleasant, but for crying out loud. . .IT MUST BE DONE. Sunday, during Relief Society, I was sitting above and behind a girl (who shall remain nameless to protect the hairy) who was wearing a knee length skirt and no hosiery. Not a problem. . .except for the fact that she hadn't shaved in at least 2 weeks. Now there is always the possibility that she is growing her hair out for an upcoming waxing session. I understand that, but if this were the case, she is obligated by the unwritten rule of women with good hygiene to wear a long skirt and/or tights. NO EXCEPTIONS. This topic has come up in conversation several times over the past few weeks and it has been determined by a expert panel of men and women that there is NOTHING attractive about a woman who doesn't shave. Please note that this rule does not apply to men. Remember that Virtues 1 & 2 enjoy facial hair. . .though back hair is only partially negotiable.

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