Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Remember how I missed 24 & The Bachelor in Paris last night? I deserve a raise for that alone. Don't worry. I have made arrangements to see 24 sometime very soon. Word on the street is that Jack's daughter is back. The Bachelor is more of a "can't miss" for me right now because once you find out who has been voted off, the episode is ruined. Fortunately, the Loveless brothers are great about keeping me in the Bachelor loop. I can't believe Travis gave a rose (my least favorite thing on the planet tonight) to Moana. Notice her before and after Dr. Rey (Dr. 90210) shots. She is such a freak! In fact, she reminds me of a girl that I used to work with. . .her name was Sue, but I liked to call her Sue Sue full of cat POOO. Of course, my favorite Bachelorette is Sarah. She is sweet and perfectly perfect for Travis. For heaven's sake, the girl lives blocks from him in Nashville. How incredible is that? Why is it that some men can't see a great thing when it's staring them right in the face? I guess the grass is always greener on the other side. I hope Travis doesn't think of himself as a good judge of character. Maybe he needs someone like me sitting on his shoulder whispering sweet tidings of goodness and sensibility into his HOT little ear. I should give him a call tonight on my way home.


Anonymous said...

That little SLUT! I can't believe that she got a rose...I have only seen the show once but I distinctly remember this MOANA character. She is not black...who names their child Moana, that is very very close to Moesha and that certainly a black person name!

p.s. It snowed like a foot and I'm at work at 4:25...ahhh life can't get any better...hmmmm

Veronica said...

Oh man, Moana makes me want to die. Did you see her insane crying response after Travis met her family? What a nutcase.

Anonymous said...

thank you girls for keeping me connected during my no tv phase. I check out the official bachelor website and Sarah is cute I agree I vote for her...she is a kindergarten teacher. How is sweeter than that?

Anonymous said...

Veronica, does she really want to make you die? I've told you thousands of times not to be so dramatic and exaggerate so much! HA!

Anonymous said...

Interesting...our RS President's name in Moana....hmmm.

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