Thursday, February 9, 2006

Shoot it, Lee!

I don't think I have ever completely understood the rivalry between BYU and the U. . .that is until last night. Yes, I'm a decendant of BYU fans, I graduated from BYU, and I work for BYU--this simply means that there is no option, but to hate our red neighbors to the north. . .a feeling that was completely confirmed the second we drove onto Utah's campus. Let me preface the remainder of my post with this note--I have friends who go to the U. . .U know who U are (Trevor J., David V., etc.) and I have a great deal of respect for you, but you're going to the wrong school! First of all, there was no parking on that stinkin' campus. . .so we rode Trax. That's fine. I have nothing against public transit. In fact, I sometimes enjoy it, but we waited forever in the cold for the train to come and then I was trapped under some old guys armpit for the duration of our trip. We trudged through the mud to get to the Huntsman Center which was completely shrowded in RED and I literally thought I had entered the inferno of hell. We quickly found our seats--safe within section QQ with the other BYU loyals and it was there that I came to understand the rivalry. Ute fans are obnoxious. . .BYU fans are gracious (a slight exaggeration perhaps). It's as simple as that. The theme for last night's rivalry adventure came from our neighbors to the north (the sweet BYU fan Temple Square missionaries that were seated in the row behind us). One of the little ladies had this high nasal voice, but that's beside the point. Everytime Lee Cummard (plays guard for BYU) would even come close to the ball or look at it, for that matter, we'd hear from behind, "SHOOT IT, LEE." It didn't matter that there were 3 guys on top of him or that he was at half court. They didn't care--"SHOOT IT, LEE! SHOOT IT!" I think those little missionaries had more faith on their row than the remainder of the arena. Despite the fact that BYU lost miserably 79-60, my shoes are a bit muddy, and I had a terrible nightmare last night about being trapped in a giant armpit (the Huntsman Center). . .I LOVED IT. Jeff, of all people kept reminding me to "enjoy the experience." He's so wise! SHOOT, Lee, SHOOT!


Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm flattered to receive mention in the blog. Alicia reads it religiously. It's shameful indeed that BYU couldn't beat Utah in basketball--Utah is awful this year. Clearly the $100M spent on those BYU athletic facilities would have been put to much better use in expanding the campus craft and/or floral. Think of all the flowers you could grow in that indoor practice facility if you transformed it into a greenhouse.

Also, why did you have to trudge through mud to get from TRAX to the Huntsman Center? I think even BYU fans are allowed to use the sidewalks!

Stop by and see us next time you make it to SL County!

Anonymous said...

What does the K stand for? Just wondering...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow that's my middle name too...oh wait no... my middle initial is L which stands for LYN...SAME AS ERIC'S! HA HA!

Anonymous said...

Now this is the mother speaking to her children - when you are in high school you were born with green blood - when you get to the college age your blood changes to BLUE BLOOD - I don't care what anyone says - YOU DO NOT HAVE RED BLOOD. As your mother (a BYU ALUMNI - and very proud of it) it doesn't matter what school you go to YOU ALL HAVE BLUE BLOOD - you could graduate from Utah State, BYU- Idaho, Duke, BYU - I don't care you still have BLUE BLOOD.
I used to get terrified when I would bleed because it was red, but someone told me "when the air hits blue blood it turns red".

Anonymous said...

Now you ask what does all that BLUE mean - YOU ARE NOT A UTE FAN NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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