Saturday, February 25, 2006

Steve Hartman

I have a stinkin' cold and have been a little bit less than my usual 100% the last few days. Don't get alarmed and worry your pretty little heads. . .I'm going to make it through! Remember, I'm a tough Idaho girl. No sissy wimps allowed. Though, some chilled Frescas and a humidifier delivered to the GV 15 would be welcomed. So I was sitting on the "not so comfortable couch" watching the evening news last night with my box of tissues and happened to catch the CBS News "Hero of the week" segment. The news usually frustrates the hell out of me. It's all bad. . .bad people, bad businesses, bad leadership, bad hair. You get the point. So, I'm always excited to hear something happy when I tune in to my friend Bob Schiefer. I was especially enthused by this story, as I know the Utah High School Championship Tournament is this week. Don't even ask me how or why I know this. . .though I've hear that there are people crazy enough to take time off work to watch game after game of the tournament. Actually, after watching this broadcast, I might be tempted to do the same. Anyway, to the point. This particular story was about an autistic team manager of a high school basketball team. His name is Steve Hartman. The story explained that on the last game of the season, the coach of the team decided to give Steve a chance to suit-up with no real intention of playing him. With four minutes left in the game, the coach called Steve to the court. Steve threw his first shot. . .an airball (it looked like a shot I would have made). The second attempt hit the rim and bounced off. The third shot went in for 2. Now, this is where it gets exciting, folks. Steve shot a 3 pointer next and the crowd went wild. He shot again. . .another 3-pointer in the basket. This continued (6-3 pointer in a row) for a total of 20 points. Needless to say, the fans were going CRAZY. No one could believe it. . .20 points in four minutes. The interviewing reporter was talking to Steve's dad. . .now, this is where Michelle lost all control. The tears were flowing and my nose was running double time. I realized that there is something amazing about the human spirit. There is something amazing about watching someone who struggles (for whatever reason) succeed. There is something amazing that touches our hearts and helps us recognize the good in others. You all HAVE to watch the video clip at It will change you. . .gotta run. I'm going to look up the schedule for this week's tournament.


Anonymous said...

That was a great story. I caught it on Sportscenter. Another story that I absolutely love is one about a 10 or so year old boy named Montana that had terminal brain tumor. He was a huge Notre Dame fan, and the week before he passed away he was visited by Notre Dame's head coach Charlie Wies. The two became fast friends and Montana expressed his desire to live to see the next Notre Dame game. Before parting, Weis asked Montana for any requests and he said he wanted the first play in the next game to be a pass right.

Montana died the night before the game, but Weis was true to his promise. Notre Dame started on their own one yard line, a spot where passing the ball is considered foolish. But true to his promise and without hesitation, Weis called the play and the ball was nearly intercepted. The Notre Dame receiver caught the pass and ran for a first down. Maybe it was a sign that Weis had chosen something more important than football. Anyway I like the story, and that is why I am a Notre Dame fan. Here is an address where you can read the whole story. I think that it opens up in a pdf file, but it is clean.

Anonymous said...

that last part should be APromiseKept.pdf

Sorry that was so long.

Anonymous said...

Michelle told me about this story before she posted it and I thought it was a great story. So this morning at the gym I decided to watch the clip...let's just say if Laura were alone she would be sniffling right now. DAMN GYM MEMBERS keep walking in when I'm having a TOUCHING MOMENT!

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