Tuesday, February 28, 2006

T-10 Days

Just a friendly reminder that tomorrow marks the first day of the much awaited birthday month. I believe there are 9 shopping days remaining. Those of you who think there are 10. . .you're wrong! I'm not accepting last minute gifts this year. I want some serious thought to go into your tokens of esteem. For those of you who have problems remembering my birthday, you might want to consider enrolling in my 3 step program that I like to call "Remember it or SUFFER Forever." I have a recent graduate of the program who has really shown exceptional improvement. JMF. . .your certificate of achievement is in the mail. Congratulations!


Anonymous said...

Doesn't tomorrow mark the end of the much awaited birthday month? And someone's going to have to tell me about the 3 step program of "Remember it or SUFFER Forever" because i have no idea in hell who's birthday it is in 9 shopping days...and i don't know who's paying Michelle to wrecklessly advertise there birthday but they could use a few "pre-birthday spankings"

Anonymous said...

For my present I am going to pull your dress out of your slip next time you have an incident. It's the gift that keeps on giving.

Anonymous said...

Hey what do you want for your birthday? The famous question for the day. Maybe others have some ideas about what you need or want - give them to me over the blog.

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