Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Turtles transmit diseases

Those of you who are familiar with the Provo skyline will be sad to hear that the Ream's Grocery Store (formerly an ice-skating rink) on Freedom was demolished last week to make way for a new student housing development. It was fondly called the Turtle and has actually been sitting empty for a couple of years. I must admit that I only shopped there if I was truly desperate. I'm all about esthetics and the poorly little turtle reminded me of a deserted bomb shelter. It was one of those grocery stores where dust collects on some of their merchandise and you wonder how long the Minute Rice has been on the shelf. . .hoping it hasn't petrified into on mass of processed carbohydrate. Besides, I heard that 'turtles' transmit diseases. Out with the old and in with the new.


Anonymous said...

Poor little turtle...

Anonymous said...

It really was kinda gross in there. Dirty little turtle!

Anonymous said...

Who the Hell is CO CP...Is it a cousin to Co Co that likes drinking fresca that affects her bowels?

Anonymous said...

The Turtle was there when I was at BYU - Reams - the best grocery store in town. The only store students went to shop. A national treasure is gone. Maybe . . . the same food.

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