Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I'm Missing Someone

Goal #14 for 2006 is to be a better friend, sister, and daughter. Needless to say, i still have a lot of work to do. . .2006 isn't nearly long enough--that's for sure. Regardless of my imperfections, I feel like making a conscious effort to be kinder is helping me understand and relate to those in my life who I care for most. Yesterday, I sent a note to my friend Celeste, who recently moved to Minnesota. Celeste and I worked together for several years and as I was sitting in my office this morning, I realized that I really miss her. You know, the kind of miss that makes your heart hurt and your eyes water. I'd give almost anything for her to walk into the store tomorrow with her water bottle and Harry Potter book. She could always make me smile and had the uncanny ability to bring a sense of gratitude, humility, and amazement to my day. I miss you, Celeste.


Veronica said...

I miss Celeste too.

Anonymous said...

Celeste does look nice. I miss Turtle pies. I don't know if anyone else remembers them but they were Cutie Pie snacks covered in delicious green frosting and a scrumptious vanilla pudding. Ahh if I could go back for one day.

Anonymous said...

In my haste and drool I meant to say that the filling was vanilla pudding. I am turning into the monkey.

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