Sunday, April 2, 2006


This is my 200th post. In honor of this momentous occasion, I'd like to take a moment to defend the honor of "Where Flowers Bloom." It seems that "The Other Veronica" has recently made comments alluding to the fact that my blog is boring. I have tried to let this unfounded and ridiculous accusation run off my back, but let's face it--I'm not that grown-up. In fact, I'm quite petty and extremely proud. So, let's begin by taking a look at some WFB post topics over the past 5 months. My modeling career (not boring). Seattle Adventures. CoCo meets her inflatable counterpart. The Vawdrey Wedding (only one part of that was boring. . .the groom?). Mayoral race (very exciting). The XT aquisition. Boobs. Surveillance footage of R. Steiskel. Lots of bird stories. Rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous. A rare tongue disease. My birthday bonanza. The list could go on and on. As I see it, this blog is anything but boring. It could be a lot worse . . I could be posting about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Pudding Pies! E.V. --Don't mess! HUGS.


Hoolaine said...

and what would be wrong with posting about teenage mutant ninja turtle pudding pies? donnatello rules

Anonymous said...

SCANDAL!! Michelle is making my husband sound like a jerk. He is,at times, a bit "JERKY" (but he is a pretty good husband). I might just agree a bit with both sides though. Yes, there were those great and exciting posts but there were also scriptures, a lost parrot, the letter M, a fart book (kind of exciting), AND THE DEWEY DECIMAL SYSYTEM!!! If I were doing a blog I couldn't conjure up the perfect posts all the's superhuman for goodness sake. I think Michelle does a great job and she is the closest to perfection as blogs Michelle may have a few dry posts...SO WHAT!! Eric does have posts about Ninja Turtles and...he shouldn't mess with Michelle (a lot of people like her) you both and DON't HATE ME????

Anonymous said...

I am ashamed that I even have to reply to that. Obviously one should not get into an indirect shouting match with someone when the two people they are sitting next to are talking to each other on the phone. I did not attack the integrity of the entire blog. Only the last three posts. Are we really being led to believe that there is a bowling alley with tulips planted in the lane? I think not. The oil pattern on the lane would be severely affected. Anyone who respects the sport would not even consider such tomfoolery. Although, someone once told me that anything where you can drink and do better at is not considered a sport. And another thing, how do I not get any credit for an April Fool's joke? Was the phone call placed on April 1? Yes.

In summation, I am being unfairly attacked and singled out. At least I contribute to the well-being of this blog. I know of several readers who won't even comment. Shouldn't we be attacking them? I am sure there is someone out there with a delivery-boy job, all dressed in yellow, who has never even tried to leave a comment. Shouldn't we load up our slings and start casting stones toward them? C'mon!!!

Anonymous said...

I would like to say that there are many of you who check the blog daily because it simply fills your heart with joy. What will fabulous Michelle have to say today? I can hardly wait! And neither can you. Join us by commenting and sharing your joy for the blog. We are all friends and family. I know that you all have something to contribute. Even if you get made fun of, like me (the monkey), we still love you! Besides, most people that get made fun of are in the family circle, not the circle of friends. Don't be shy. C'mon!!

Anonymous said...

I love the blog, it makes my day!! You keep at it Michelle!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Things are getting a little too "feel good" on this's creeping me out!

Anonymous said...

Laura, you always get creeped out on the blog! There are some things that you can always count on while looking at the blog.

Anonymous said...

although "the other veronica" does have great word choice (i.e. tomfoolery), i don't think it is wise for you, michelley, to be hurt by his complaint. if he thought your blog was as entertaining as i (and others) do, there may be something wrong with him or you for that matter. personally, i must say the bowling alley was an absolute thing of beauty! i nearly called you to tell you myself because it was so great that i didn't even think a comment on the blog could express the genius of it. this just being one example of the high entertainment value of WFB.. so i think it's not really about being grown-up enough to let his comment roll of your back, i think it's about being grown up enough to realize his dislike is just why it's your blog is so exquisite... a most delightful daily experience for the kindred spirits!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
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Veronica said...

Man I hate that guy.

Anonymous said...
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michelleyv said...

FYI--the other veronica and I made up. All is well at WFB.

Anonymous said...

FYI I don't have to where any red or yellow insignia, thank you very much, and I do love the blog, and am an avid reader, Michelle is the greatest!!!! (i'll try to comment more!)

Anonymous said...

I was hoping a pic of the wedges might make the blog... for those of us not close enough to enjoy them in person.

Anonymous said...

I meant for that to be on the other post... it's been a techiinically difficult kind of day. It's because I wore cute shoes today... you can't teach kindergarten in cute shoes it just throws everything off!

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