Sunday, April 30, 2006

Kindred Spirits

We had a bridal shower for Mary Alice yesterday. It seems impossible that we've know one another for almost 25 years. I'm a firm believer that people are placed in your life for a reason. Very few things in this mortal experience are by accident. For so long, our lives have taken us in similar directions. We obviously grew up together in Blackfoot--going to the same schools, riding our bikes to the local grocery store for penny candy, playing 4-square, and surviving hacky sac invasions.

Mary Alice and I seemed to feed off of one another's accomplishments. I'm not saying we were competative (well, maybe a little bit), but we helped push eachother to achieve. We graduated high school and were 2 of 4 people that went to BYU from our class. It's funny because we didn't live together until we spent a semester studying in Nauvoo. Gosh, those were some cold days. After her mission, we started the "Red Mansion Years" full of intrigue, scandal, and all-out fun. When I decided to buy my place, she and Coco moved in and we survived for years until she moved two buildings over in our complex.

She is about the only person in my life, besides my family, that knows my past, my silly stories, my fears, my strengths, my insecurities, my joys, and my faults. Is it possible that one person can have such an influence for good on another without obligation? I mean, she doesn't have to be my friend. She didn't have to eat rice crispy treats with me in the Morris Center while I complained about my Humanities Instructor from HELL. She didn't have to sing the "doughnut song" in unison 8 bazillion times. She didn't have to cry with me when I honestly wondered if I would make it through my first year at BYU. She didn't have to put up with my craziness for 6 years as a roommate. She certainly wasn't required to attend my first (and last) violin recital.

Maybe I've answered my own question. It's not only possible to have one person influence your life on such a powerful level. . .it's the reality of a heavenly blessing. I'm grateful this spring sabbath to have people in my life that continually help me become better. Gosh, they still have a lot of work to do. Good luck to you all.

1 comment:

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