Monday, April 17, 2006

Making my list and checking it twice!

Is it possible that I might have some OCD tendencies? Is it possible that these tendencies are inherited? Do you know that I make a list everyday. . .sometimes many lists? I write down all of the things I need to accomplish in a given 24 hour period. The first three things are always water, run, scriptures. The remaining items vary from day to day. Some days I include completely ridiculous things that are only on the list because I want to be able to check them off. When I have a list, I feel focussed and really seem to get a lot more done. I take a great deal of pride in how I use my time. Sometimes I wonder if my list-dependence prevents me from doing or experiencing more spontaneous things. Maybe it prevents me from acting on impressions or being more sensitive to the needs of those around me. I've thought about going "list free" for a week or so, but the thought of it honestly makes me hyperventilate and that can't be a good thing. . . it's not on my list.

p.s. Why do I live in Utah? It was a stinkin' winterfest today. Scraping snow off my windows. . .definitely not on today's list!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for being a list person, I thought I was the only person who had lists for everything (except my Mom)! Cub Papa would take away my pen and paper to punish me when I was bad. Needless to say I try to be really good (That's on my list)! As I have gotten a little older and a little more forgetful I have lists to remind me of where my lists are!

Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

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