Sunday, April 16, 2006


Yep, another weekend gone. So sad to see it pass, but I'm already looking forward to the next.

A few years ago, I took a bowling class at BYU. Over the course of several weeks, my bowling improved a great deal. I was a devoted student. . .mostly because my teacher looked just like Luke Skywalker and I wanted desperately to impress him. Believe you me--I impressed! My bowling class success has carried me through some serious experiences. One afternoon Lori and I had a bowling face off--I nearly took her face off when the bowling ball decided to develop a mind of its own and went flying back toward Lori instead of the pins. Then there was the greatest bowling of all times when Brooke and I used the bumpers. . .now that's how the game should be played! The ultimate bowling fiasco was on a blind date. The idiot insisted on bowling 3 games. . .3 too many if you ask me. Just a little bit of advice. . .this first date was also our last. Don't ever bowl 3 games. After that harrowing experience, I didn't ever want to bowl again. But "time heals all wounds they say" so we went bowling Friday night. I quickly realized that my bowling is a little bit rusty. Okay, a lot rusty. I bowled a personal low at (?) and the funny thing was that I didn't really care that much. We had a great time. Ryan showed us his wart removal scars and then we went on the search for some ice cream. FYI--Leatherby's is relocating to the old Jerry's. It hasn't reopened yet. . .so I wouldn't suggest chasing over there--especially if it's raining (note the picture depicting Mark's desperate attempt to claw his way into the Leatherby's). You might also note that The Malt Shoppe is crazy on Friday nights and Stan's closes at 10pm. Arctic Circle smells funny and they turn the lights out. . .even when there are still people trying to eat their midnight shakes. . .they could use a lesson from the Arctic Circle Employee of the Century. . .CoCo?

Ryan is so happy with his bowling skills that he can't seem to wipe that grin of his face. The grin quickly disappeared as he stood in front of his beloved Leatherby's in the rain. Poor kid, no sundae and the whole wart trauma. . .

Okay, one more confession. My bowling form is indeed fabulous--so fabulous in fact that my left cheek (not the one on my face) is awfully SORE. I bowled one stinkin' game and I'm walking around today like an old woman. Maybe I should look Luke Skywalker up. It sounds like I might need another lesson or two. . .maybe a massage wouldn't hurt either. Now, where did I put his number?


Anonymous said...

That wart thing is deeply distgusting and...CREEPY!!!

Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

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