Thursday, April 6, 2006


Today my good friend, Veronica, posted about a Redken hair product that brings out the natural glow of her blonde tresses. Her hair does look amazing! For those of us who lack the golden locks, let me endorse my own hair product. It's a recent discovery, but one that has changed my life. So Sexy by Victoria's Secret is fantabulous. I know my mom will comment about VS and their pornographic advertising. There's no question that VS has some completely heinous and absolutely vulgar ads, but I can't resist their shampoo and conditioner. I'm pretty sure that if the VS models used this product, they could bundle up in my warmest winter garb and heads (or noses) would still turn in their direction. In fact, I have people ask me all the time if they can sniff my head. Just the other day, I was sitting at the movies and the man behind me tapped my shoulder and commented, "Excuse me, but I just thought you should know that you smell SO Sexy!" Don't be shy friends, feel free to give my hair a sniff. . .it might change you life, too.


Anonymous said...

So Sexy - Mafia (just kidding)

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that you are endorsing an unprofesssional product!! I am a professional barber for pete sake!! I'm offended!

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

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