Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Hot Mamba Mamas

Remember MAMBAS? Yep, those fabulous and often forgotten fruit chews just smaller than a Starburst, softer than a Laffy Taffy, and better just because you have to really work through all the wrappers to actually get to them. Kimmy and I split a pack on our way back to Provo last night. We even attempted a Mamba pass on the interstate. Don't try this at home, folks. . .much too dangerous. The Passat pulled up next to the Vawdrey vehicle going about 80 mph and Kimberly tossed a lemon Mamba out the window hoping to pass on the Mamba joy to our favorite "marrieds". . .unsuccessful. The little devil fell to its untimely demise and now be seen just south of Malad on the southbound lane of I-15. The only consolation was that it wasn't a strawberry chew. Wasting a strawberry flavored Mamba is a crime worthy of capital punishment in some countries. Look at that concentration. . .wow, I should have done something with my hair.
Kimmy--you're one hot mamba mama. Thanks for being my travel partner for the Memorial Day Romp.


Anonymous said...

I remember Hardee's used to give a pack of Mambas in a Silly Sack. Dammit I miss Hardee's. Also next time we throw things at each other on the Interstate, tell Kimmy not to laugh so hard.

Veronica said...

Hardee's was so great. Hello, ball pit?

On a more serious note, I was also reintroduced to Mambas just a few days ago, at a movie theater. With a boy. If you know what I mean. I love Mambas!

Anonymous said...

I think that I'll have a mamba for breakfast this morning. Almost as good as a piece of fruit. Also Eric, when I threw the Mamba, I wasn't laughing, I was crying because I lost my lemon mambas to I-15. It was a devastating loss. And on Memorial Day of all days!

Veronica said...

As I crossed the Malad Pass this afternoon, I noticed some small, brightly colored, soft and chewy objects in the road...

Anonymous said...

...and just after the lovely V-Park nearly ran over those delicious chews, and I, being the good Samaritan that I am (and lover of such fruity and chewy goodness), stopped and picked the lemon chews off the pavement and partook...it was pretty much a suicide mission but I retrieved that moist, delectable candy from roadside and nearly got myself ran over in the process...I LOVE MAMBAS...

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

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