Sunday, June 11, 2006

Four Score = 80 Years

It's official. I'm weird. When I'm not thinking of anything in particular, the Gettysburg Address pops into my head. I find myself thinking. . ."Four score and seven years ago. . ." all the time. That can't be normal. Some people start humming Tom Petty songs or mentally recite a lovely poem. No--not me. I'm thinking of Lincoln's most famous speech. What grade did we memorize that? Was that Mrs. Scott? I knew she would continue to haunt me the rest of my days. This week I'm going to try to think of something different. Any suggestions? I was thinkI might start singing "The Wheels on the Bus". . .no, that's worse! HELP. . . ."our forefather brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."

1 comment:

Eric said...

You could memorize all the words to Lisa Loeb's 'Stay,' or test your knowledge of European geography at this link:

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