Saturday, August 12, 2006

A Very Loveless Lagoon

Yesterday was the second annual Loveless/Virtue Lagoon Adventure. Of course, the Loveless family has a long standing Lagoon tradition and for a group that is easily susceptible to motion sickness--they are DIE HARDS! Last year Calli and I were the sole riders. We went on everything and waved sweetly to the boys who were patiently sitting on the benches. This year, with Little Willy on the way, Calli was benched and I was heartbroken. The good news is that Ryan totally stepped up to the plate and rode almost everything! Truly a modern day miracle of sorts. Even Mark and Jeff improved their ride quota. . .though someone did have to dip into the Loveless Dramamine stash. I figure that at this rate they'll ride everything by the time they turn 70.

I know I said I wouldn't post this picture, but I can't resist. It's the perfect illustration of what a hot day at Lagoon will do to a person who is brave enough to partner up with Michelle on the Lagoon Adventure of a Lifetime! Thanks, Ry. Mark--always the coordinator, kept us right on schedule and full of fluids. Not to mention a brilliant distraction for the little ones. Hey--what's that song he likes to sing with Camilla? I had no idea he was so musically gifted. Oh--and where did all the Laffy Taffys go? I suspect Joe and Mark might have lots of new knock-knock jokes to tell.
Jeffrey and Joe. Oh my cuteness! This is one of the cutest kids (Joe, not Jeff--though he's not to shabby either) on the planet. He's even cuter when he plays with his uncles. What a great family this is!
So another day at Lagoon enters a page in the summer history book. Thanks for a great time, kids! As always, a true pleasure. Maybe next year we can have our western picture taken and I can nab one of those ever-elusive icecream cones.

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