Tuesday, August 8, 2006


Saturday night we were in Salt Lake for dinner. It was a lovely evening and on our way home we were considering a late-night stop for some ice cream. Suddenly, from the back seat, Jeff says--"whatever--it doesn't matter to me--I've got a Zinger at home." What? A Zinger? No Oreos? No granola bars? No ice cream in the freezer? After I had composed myself, I began to wonder if I might be missing out on something. I don't remember the last time I ate any sort of pre-packaged baked good. So I've decided that everyone should have a Zinger in their pantry. . .for emergencies, of course. You never know when you'll need one.

The Zinger comment and the laughter that ensued caused a near collision with a beautiful 7series BMW. This brings me to another subject of the evening's discussion--my driving. Is it possible for those of you who have had the priviledge of riding in the Passat to back me up here? I maintain the argument that I'm a safe driver. I drive defensively. I obey the laws of the road. I have cat-like reflexes! I've decided that the only thing worse than a cat is a back-seat driver!

Finally, a quick note about men's apparel. I don't care what Loveless #1 says about his blue/orange striped polo. We took a vote and it has been decided that it isn't too tight--it's just right! Girl like guys with style! For instance, the host at the restaurant we were eating at had on a great belt and an awesome pair of glasses. Very cool, trendy, chic. Men don't accessorize enough. It's a well known fact. I'm not saying I think men should walk around carrying man-bags or wearing puff sleeve. All I'm saying is that men might take a lesson from their accessorized female counterparts.


Anonymous said...

I can't take it anymore. It wouldnt be so bad if the shirt were tight in the chest area, but it is tight in the belly area. This is not promoting my best features.

Anonymous said...

That shirt needs a trip to the DI if you ask me. Maybe someone with a different belly structure could benefit from it.

Anonymous said...

If you are getting rid of that shirt, could I have it? I love that shirt and would love seeing it on my husband...regardless of what he thinks. I have noticed a regression in his dressing habits as of late. If I am not watching his every move, he starts sneaking in those plaid, table-cloth like, button downs and a particular pair of pants with paint on them. As for the Zingers, I don't really care much for them, but those little cupcakes with the white swirl icing that come two in a pack are delicious!

michelleyv said...

Don't you dare get rid of that shirt! It's my favorite and, contrary to L#1's opinion, it does promote his best features.

As for the Hostess Cupcakes--AMEN! After the race on Saturday we might have to pick up a pack and split it, huh?

Anonymous said...

Would Loveless #2 give any thought to trading the pants with paint on them for a certain belly promoting shirt? JK

Anonymous said...

I would never trade my pants with the paint on them.

I'm curious to know what michelleyv thinks Loveless #1's best features are?

Anonymous said...

Give me your e-mail address, so I can e-mail you like a normal person rather than leaving ridiculous comments on the blog that likely leave everyone wondering what on earth I'm talking about.

Anonymous said...

I could tell you a few of Loveless #1's best features...but I won't. He might get embarrassed.

Anonymous said...

The 2nd worst thing is too mention that feature now...the worst thing to do is to leave it up to the imagination...

Anonymous said...

I'm not big on Zingers but give me a Twinkie any day. New recipe: Twinkie with strawberries and cool whip. Try it - it is great.

Anonymous said...

I didn't dare comment on Loveless #1, #2 or #3. All I want to know is who has a BMW?

michelleyv said...

Alicia--my e-mail address is michelle.virtue@gmail.com.

Anonymous said...

I think if you comment under the title anonymous you're a chicken.

michelleyv said...

I completely agree! Let your face and your name be shown.

Anonymous said...

Now that I am family, I could very easily point out best features on Loveless #1, #2, & #3, because let's face it, they can't give me back. Hmm...Maybe I have a new post for my blog today.

Anonymous said...

How dare you call me a chicken loveless #2...now if you had called me turkey I might be a little less upset...

michelleyv said...

Hold EVERYTHING!There's reason to be concerned when Virtue #3 and Loveless #2 (my favorite Ryans)start to banter.

michelleyv said...

Excuse me, but why hasn't anyone come to this driver's defense?

Anonymous said...

Hey - good driver Virtue #1 - Seattle remember!!!! I still want to know who owns a BMW. Your dad is looking for a TT for me. We could go to Washington to pick it up!!!!

michelleyv said...

Thanks, mom! I knew you'd come to my defense eventually. As for the Beamer--I didn't catch the name of the owner, but I'm pretty sure he was either out of my age range or unavailable. . .

As for the TT--tell dad he had better find a deal--buy one TT, get a pink Vespa free! I'll be really upset if you come to visit in your new Audi convertible without due compensation for your oldest daughter.

love you!

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