Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sundays and No Bakes

Dear Sisters,

Today is Sunday. Sundays are hard for me. I'm alone. Sundays make me miss you. I miss your faces and having you close. I miss having people to share my no bake cookie cakes with.

Today is Sunday. Today I made an 1/8 of a batch of no bakes and ate them all by myself.

Love always,


No Bake Cookies

2 cups white sugar

1 pinch salt

3 T unsweetened cocoa powder

3 cups quick cooking oats

½ cup margarine

½ cup peanut butter

½ cup milk

1 tsp vanilla extract

In a saucepan bring sugar, cocoa, margarine, milk, and salt to a rapid boil for 1 minute.

Add quick cooking oats, peanut butter, and vanilla; mix well.

Working quickly, drop by teaspoonfuls onto waxed paper, and let cool.

WARNING: Never no bake alone.

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1 comment:

Kimmy said...

It would simply be a dream to be with you eating a no bake. Why aren't we still together? I miss you too Mickey.

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