Sunday, December 6, 2009

I'm an Ant

It has been two weeks since my last entry--an eternity in the world of blogging. They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. I think it just makes my heart grow more tender.

I've long since given up the idea of recording every detail of my life through this venue--mostly to save you all from entry after entry of the seemingly meaninglessness and to keep some of my life just that--mine.

The last few weeks have felt hard. In comparison to the struggles of others, I know they are trivial. BUT, they have felt hard to me. Thanksgiving was lovely, but it made me realize how much I take for granted. I have a wonderful family, but I missed Kimmy. I have a phone, but I lost it. My car is fun to drive, but it stopped working. I love bacon, but the grease that burned my chest was less than enjoyable. Sometimes life feels hard. It feels like I'm alone and sad and inferior, BUT I'm starting to learn that I can do hard things.

Today I couldn't sit through one of our meetings. With about 15 minutes left, I packed my bags and walked out. I just left. I sat in my parent's car (they so kindly loaned) and prayed. I prayed for peace. I thought about all of the kind people that have helped me the past week. My parents would do anything for me. Kimmy checks up on me and even though she isn't here to give me a ride when my car doesn't work, I know she's thinking about me. The whole Jenkins family came to give my car a jump start. We ate Krispy Treats and laughed. JaVan and Jan called to see if I needed a ride. Jeff took me to dinner and helped me laugh. My neighbor jumped my car (again). Eric and Laura offered time and time again to help. Ed from downstairs shoveled the snow from our walks this morning. My presidency is amazingly amazing. I am surrounded by wonderful people. . . . and then I opened my notebook and found this photo from my Zachy. Prayers are answered and I can do hard things.

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Anonymous said...

Yes you can! Shelly can do hard things, Shelly can do hard things.

LuVera said...

How precious is that picture! Sorry you had a bad week.
Will you go to the Rose Bowl with the Ducks? Just wondering.

michelleyv said...

As much as I have come to love the Ducks, I think I'm going to sit this one out. . . a long winter road trip isn't my idea of a magical holiday :)

Trent and Meg said...

You are amazing!! AMAZING!! Even when yuo don't feel like it. Hugs!!

Leslie Jam said...

Sometimes 2 Nephi 2:11 is just a little too real :( sorry you've had a rough time. Call me if you need to make a Red Mango run :)

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